Quinoa Salad with Piñata® Apples, Avocados and Walnuts


Jennifer from our Kitchen Council is sharing one of her favorite healthy dishes for enjoying in January.

It’s January! That means we’re all recovering from the overindulgence of the holidays. Well, at least I am, and I know I’m not completely alone. It’s hard not to be to lured by all of those end-of-the-year temptations. Thankfully, January is always a great time to start with a clean slate and focus on healthy eating. This quinoa apple salad with avocados and walnuts is light, flavorful and refreshing. It’s a perfect option for a healthy lunch, and it can be enjoyed warm, at room temperature, or even chilled. It’s also a wonderful side dish served alongside dinner. The mixture of crisp Piñata apples, creamy avocados and crunchy walnuts offer a pleasing balance of colors and textures.

You can easily swap out quinoa with another one of your favorite whole grains. However, quinoa is a great option because it’s very high in protein and fiber, meaning the salad will keep you satiated until dinner time. The key to preparing quinoa is to make sure to triple wash it before cooking. This will eliminate the iron-like aftertaste that sometimes gives quinoa a bad reputation. I’ve detailed this process in the instructions. While apples and avocados can potentially oxidize, using lemon juice is the salad dressing helps delay the process.
