Kids Say the Snappiest Things


As a mom of two boys, I can attest to the fact that kids are hilarious! Whether it’s a mispronounced new word, a funny face, or blatant honesty, kids can always find a way to make people smile and laugh. In February, Stemilt decided to bring the witty things kids say to center stage in our first-ever Snappiest Lil Snapper Contest. We asked parents all across the U.S. to share videos or stories of a time when their child did something hilarious. Our 11 winners received their prize packs last week (which include cash(!), Lil Snappers®, and a bento lunchbox)  and so now we get to share the hilarious highlight reel with you!

In case you haven’t heard of our Lil Snappers® kid-sized fruits before, let me tell you a bit about why they are a go-to food for my boys. First, they are a smaller size profile that matches with kids’ appetites. They come in amazing flavors like Pinata® and Honeycrisp apples or d’Anjou pears. And perhaps the best part about them is the pouch bag they come in. It stands up in the refrigerator so that your fruit doesn’t get lost and forgotten about in the crisper drawer. I am always elated when I get to wash and toss one of these in my child’s lunchbox, because I know they are getting a healthy fruit to fuel their little bodies during the day. It also doesn’t hurt that tossing an apple in a lunchbox is far easier than the prep work for other kid-favorite fruits!

Beyond sharing our Snappiest Lil Snappers winners with you, I wanted to provide some of our top blog posts around kid snacks with you. Hopefully you can find Lil Snappers® at a store near you soon to give one of these a try:

Congrats to all of our winners and a big thank you to all those who shared your hilarious kid stories with us!
